How will Real Estate industry create customer Loyalty?


With #occupiers demanding more flexibility and shorter-term #leases #customerloyalty will be driving #realestate value for investors. Customer loyalty is only created through a compelling experience that can’t be replicated and found anywhere else, customers being satisfied is not good enough and doesn’t translate into loyalty.

This means that a focus on operational effectiveness and efficiency are already expected by customers and will not differentiate in terms of loyalty.

Customer loyalty in real estate therefore needs to be focused on, #collaboration, co-creating and a partnership with the occupiers in helping them solve the needs of their customers. It needs to become a mutually beneficial relationship. This requires an in depth understanding of the changing operating environments of occupiers for example in #retail how to change store lay-outs and flows to improve turnover, partnering on combining the physical and virtual experiences even through hashtag#augmentedreality shopping, creating immersive retail moments and even personalising experiences.

Creating solutions together with occupiers will not only drive loyalty but can result in significant new profit pools at a time when its difficult to achieve #growth.


Ilse French