Exponential Blue

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Looking Back At The 1980s

In just 10 years, by 2029, we will most likely be looking back at the world we know today in the same manner we are looking at the 1980’s today.

Very few organisations have truly internalised the implications of the fact that the rate of change itself is accelerating. Many are conducting business as status quo while others are just trying to catch-up.

Companies like, Amazon, Google, Alibaba Group, Netflix and Uber did not exist in the 1980’s, many others disappeared.

Those organisations thinking that they will still be doing the same business in the next 10-20 years are most at risk. The speed of change and #exponential #technologies will create new opportunities much faster than before.

To position for the future organisations should today be asking: How relevant, #influential and valued will we be in 10 years and how do we prepare every business process for #change.

What will the future look like? Where are we now? Where do we want to be positioned in the future? #positioning #futurism #realestate